Atlantia as

Atlantia Contacts

Atlantia Contacts is the company's shared location for registering contacts and activities with these. Keep track of customers, suppliers, partners etc. and track important activities and communications.


Atlantia Contacts is focused around contacts, either as a company—which can group together other contacts—or a person. Add emails, phone numbers, Skype-names and addresses—both online and offline, birth dates, positions and more.



Avoid having to search through a whole lot of emails with the same subject just to find that one mail where something important was said.

Atlantia Contacts lets you create multiple activities for each contact, and these contain a title, date, type and a text area for making your own notes. You can also attach as many files as you need to each activity.



Each contact has a picture to easier separate the various contacts from each other.

To prevent all the work with adding your own images, we first try the service Gravatar to see if the contact has chosen an image there.

Gravatar or globally recognizable avatar is a service where the user adds an email address and an image, and other sites can display that picture without forcing the user to create yet another account, uploading yet another picture. It is also easier for the user to change the image, since changing it on Gravatar changes it everywhere the gravatar is used.

Avatar chooser

If the email address is registered with Gravatar, we use that image as a default, but you can still pick another image for the contact afterwards. If the contact has multiple emails, we try them all, and you can choose between the results.