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Atlantia WebTest

Atlantia WebTest lets you create tests that are tied together with e-learning courses or traditional courses. The tests are answered by the participants directly with a PC, or can be printed and done on paper. The tests can also be used to check the skill level before a training activity (pre-test) and use the same test again after the course to document an increase in the skill level. The tool can also be used to check the skill level for a specific area, and use to evaluate what training activities that should be initiated, and what to focus on.

The tests consist of an unlimited amount of multiple choice questions where the question can have one, or several, correct alternatives.

Test on paper

The simplest way is for the participants to do the test through My Page, but that's not always an option, for example a course where there isn't internet access, or not enough computers for all the participants. Therefore, the test can be printed and handed out, and the responses added to the database at a later time.

Test på papir

Adding results manually

A superuser can, at any time, add responses manually for participants who hasn't handed in their test yet. They'll get a dropdown for choosing the participant, and everything else happens normally.

Dropdown for choosing the user


The results are shown as a “donut” where the inner circle shows the parts who answered right or wrong for the question, and the outer ring shows the alternatives, and the percentage that chose that alternative. By hovering the cursor over one of the sectors, you'll see the exact number of persons.

Svar på en WebTest

A superuser can show all the results for a test, or for a single user. The result in green means the test is passed, and red is failed.

Web test filter

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